Ever wondered what’s being produced just down the road from you?

Ever wondered what’s being produced just down the road from you?

Ever wondered what’s being produced just down the road from you?

Ever wondered what’s being produced just down the road from you?

Ever wondered what’s being produced just down the road from you?

Ever wondered what’s being produced just down the road from you?

Ever wondered what’s being produced just down the road from you?
Discover the finest producers from around the British Isles
Where can you buy grass-fed beef direct from a local farmer? Flowers grown in your own county? Slow fashion using dead-stock fabric close by?
The Near-By directory has been created to help you with these questions.
Very new, it’s quickly growing into a useful database, sharing all the best farmers, growers and makers throughout our Islands.
Have a browse.
Find the best recommendations from experts and locals
Our Journal helps you learn more about our best local producers.
Expert guides sit alongside tips straight from the locals.
Just like every library starts with a few best books, our Journal is starting out with some carefully selected articles. It’s growing daily so please keep checking back.
If there’s a subject you’d like us to cover, or if you’d like to be a contributor, do get in touch.

Join Us
If you’re a talented local producer and would like to be added to our directory please do contact us and we’ll look you up. There are certain criteria your products will need to meet in order to be included.
If you’re successful we’ll get you added to the directory as soon as possible.
About Near-By
Hello, I’m Kate, the founder of Near-By, born and bred on the Cumbrian coast.
When I was growing up buying local produce was just what we did; fresh milk from Tom’s cows in the village, Morecambe Bay shrimps from the house with the mermaid outside in Baycliff, the best joint of beef and black pudding from Airey’s Farm Shop (as they could tell my Dad which field the cow had grazed in), beautiful Cumbria Crystal glass handblown in Ulverston for very special gifts and most importantly the most mouth watering meat and potato pies bought from Greens Bakery just round the corner from my Dad’s surgery in Barrow-in-Furness.
When my Dad was alive I often chatted with him about creating a platform celebrating the best local producers but never did anything about it. So now I am.
Near-By has been created to provide an easily searchable directory of the best local producers alongside a useful library of resources supporting local producers.
If you know a brilliant local producer you’d like to add to the map please do send me their details
Please do spread the word too, this project can only be possible with your help and recommendations.
Thanks so much for your support.